Principles of developmental biology Wolpert pdf has 14 different chapters. Chapter 1 provides a brief history of embryology and an introduction to some of the main general principles and processes involved. Chapter 2 considers the process of pattern formation in laying down the body plan in the Drosophila. This small fly has played and still plays, a central role in elucidating developmental mechanisms.
The mechanisms involved in pattern formation in the early development of our vertebrate model organisms are considered in Chapters 4 and 5. These chapters are organized as in the previous edition, with the process of laying down the early body plan being first described in its entirety in Xenopus (Chapter 4), the vertebrate in which the general principles were discovered. This is followed by comparisons with the process in the zebrafish (Chapter 4), and in chick and mouse (Chapter 5). Chapter 5 also considers how the body plan is completed, which mainly rests on studies in chick and mouse embryos.
Principles Of Development 4th Edition Wolpert Pdf 20
Sections of the chapter on the development of the Drosophila tracheal system and the mammalian vascular system have been moved to Chapter 7, and other sections from previous editions have been placed online. Growth and regeneration are considered together in the same chapter (Chapter 12).
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