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Slender The Arrival For Mac: Everything You Need to Know About the Story and Characters


Reuters on Tuesday, citing anonymous supply chain sources, reported(Opens in a new window) that a 4.7-inch iPhone will be produced in the coming months, while the 5.5-inch model could be held up thanks to a production issue involving the in-cell technology for the larger screens. Apple's in-cell screen technology, first introduced with the iPhone 5, combines the display and touch sensors into a single component, allowing for a more slender handset.

Reuters said Apple suppliers are gearing up to begin producing the screens for the 4.7-inch model as early as May, a few months before the phone's expected arrival this fall. Production of the 5.5-inch screens will start in June, and Apple may use a film sensor for the larger model instead of in-cell technology. Japan Display, Sharp, and LG will handle production.

Slender The Arrival For Mac

We expected the Irish would have been much cast down upon King James's leaving this Town, and the certain News of King William's arrival, but we found the contrary, they triumphed and rejoyced as if they had got King William in a Pound, and the Day were their own. They were assur'd either that the French [Page 2]Fleet would cut off King William from England, or that an Insurrection would be made there; for we were told that 100000 Men were ready to rise, under the notion of Declaring for a Commonwealth: The Protestants here knew not what to think of these things; for they were kept as Prisoners of War, and suffered to know no more, nor enjoy any more than what the others pleased. But this the Protestants feared most, (because the Irish spoke least of it) that some desperate Persons had undertaken to destroy King William, as soon as he came into this Country: For we could not impute the great assurance of the Irish to any other ground than this. Some were so open, as to tell their Protestant Friends very lately, That they would be glad to go to Mass within this Twelve Month, with several other Expressions of like nature.

Three young men stood together on a wharf one bright October day awaiting the arrival of an ocean steamer with an impatience which found a vent in lively skirmishes with a small lad, who pervaded the premises like a will-o'-the-wisp and afforded much amusement to the other groups assembled there.

"Dear old Uncle! Doesn't it seem good to have him back?" was all Mac said, but he was not looking at "dear old uncle" as he made the fervent remark, for he saw only the slender blond girl nearby and stretched out his hands to meet hers, forgetful of the green water tumbling between them.

Some also think that exchange files were ephemeral and notmaintained, or too bulky to preserve in a file, or of such "limitedusefulness" that they would have ended up "in the wood stove in alllikelihood" (Eichin 122). This might be true for a folio size big citydaily that was full of time-sensitive news items and would require a lot ofshelf space, typically measuring 24 x 18 inches, with twelve pages in eachissue, whose 365 unwieldy issues per year would have to be bound in stoutcovers, with each year occupying a foot or more of shelving. By comparison,Vanity Fair was full of comic sketches and jokes that could be used at anytime as filler, and its issues measured just 12 x 9 inches. A complete run ofVanity Fair ( 1859-63), bound in six slender volumes consisting of 169 weekly(later monthly) issues, occupies just under six and a half inches of shelfspace. Being small and easy to handle, they did not require the expense ofbinding, and an unbound complete run would barely fill four inches of shelfspace. The editor of the Boston Daily Advertiser thought paying 87 1/2 centsper volume to bind up his set was worth the money, and that set passed fromtheir exchange files to other newspapers until the last newspaper owner soldit in the 1980s. (5)

The story begins when Sam and Orion hopped on that stagecoach atSt. Joseph, Missouri on July 26, 1861 and headed west where Orion would beginhis appointment as Secretary for the recently created Nevada Territory, withhis younger brother as his erstwhile assistant. Their journey west had beensimultaneously exciting and boring enough for Mark Twain to give afictionalized account of it a few years later (RI, ch 1-20), and he continuedhis fanciful story-telling after his arrival in Carson City with amusinglyexaggerated tales of walloping Washoe zephyrs and terrifying tarantulas (RIch 21). But upon their arrival in Carson City Sam had other priorities, andsoon checked into the Ormsby House next door to the stage depot, where he andOrion would live for a very short time, before Sam moved three blocks northup the street to Mrs. Murphy's boarding house. (34)

Nineteenth-century news vendors routinely offered back issues oftheir most popular periodicals, usually dating back for a year, but someoffered complete runs dating back decades. (35) In August, 1861, an entirerun of back issues for Vanity Fair would have consisted of fifty-seven weeklyissues (the first issue of December 31, 1859, fifty-two issues for 1860, andfour from January 1861), a small stack of paper not quite an inch and a halfthick, and costing six cents each (or $3 per year). Judging by the time ittook The Silver Age to receive and reprint a piece from Vanity Fair, it canbe calculated that the January 26, 1861 issue of Vanity Fair--carrying astowaway named Mark Twain--would have arrived at Fox's newsstand in midto late March 1861, just five months before the arrival of Sam Clemens. Withthree of the eight known surviving issues of The Silver Age from 1861-1862yielding notices and advertisements about Fox's business, and a specificmention of Vanity Fair, as well as an exchange item from Vanity Fair, it isquite reasonable to assume that about three-eighths--or more than 160--of theapproximately 450 now lost issues of that newspaper from those same two yearsalso contained such notices, advertisements, mentions of Vanity Fair by name,and other attributed exchange items from Vanity Fair. (36)

A close examination of this image shows us exactly what SamClemens saw when he arrived. The Ormsby House had enlarged their premises,adding a three-story building next to their earlier two-story structurebefore Clemens's arrival. Besides Fox's newsstand, the telegraphoffice and post office were nearby (Fox advertised he was next door to thepost office--from which Sam Clemens mailed most of his letters home), and TheSilver Age was housed in a building only two blocks east facing the southeastcorner of the plaza. According to property records Mrs. Murphy'sboarding house, where Clemens would soon board on the second floor and whereOrion would set up his office, was located on Carson Street, three blocksbeyond the large brick building with "DRUGSTORE" painted on itsside, visible on the far right in Weed's photograph. (40)

Weed took a second photograph of the southwest corner of the plazaat Carson City early one morning, probably the same day he photographed thestagecoach depot. The shadows cast by the fence point west, indicating themornings hours. Twain had claimed that the plaza was unfenced when hearrived, and although his statements in Roughing It are couched in fiction,it is possible the fence was constructed in the months after his arrival andbefore Weed's visit (RI 158). To frame this second image, Weed had stoodnear the fence that bordered the western edge of the plaza, and aimed hiscamera south toward the Ormsby House. The Ormsby House is clearly visible, asare the Wells Fargo stagecoach depot and Fox's newsstand, although theglare of the morning sun obliterates the lettering on Fox's signs.Weed's image nicely captures the row of buildings bordering the southernend of the plaza, and just one block east beyond the left border ofWeed's image were the offices of The Silver Age near the southeastcorner of the plaza. The same heavy timbers used in local mine shafts wereused in the rail fence that enclosed the plaza, and the streets are crowdedwith freight wagons going about their daily rounds, hauling equipment andsupplies. Twain had described Carson City as a town that covered four or fiveblocks in each direction, full of short wood-frame structures crammedside-by-side, with buildings more scattered apart farther from the plaza (RIch 21). His description is more or less consistent with what can be seen inthis photograph, which shows the roughly four acre plaza as Sam Clemensactually experienced it, although Mark Twain tended to embellish.

When Sam and his brother stepped off that stagecoach in August1861 they could no more have overlooked Fox's newsstand than they couldhave had any trouble finding the Ormsby House. Fox's canvas sign hungdirectly in front of where stagecoaches stopped at the Carson City stagecoachdepot. Twain would have quickly found Fox to be a ready source of readingmaterials and tobacco, his two favorite past-times, which he associated witheach other all of his life (Gribben passim). A few months later, in January1862, shortly before the arrival of photographer Charles Weed, Sam Clemenswrote his mother that he'd purchased ten pounds of Killickinick SmokingTobacco in Carson City, a popular brand of horrible cheap tobacco that helater wrote was a "miraculous conglomerate. ... of tobacco stems,chopped straw... fine shavings, oak leaves, dog-fennel, corn-shucks,sun-flower petals ... and any refuse of any description whatever that costsnothing and will burn". (41) He did not say where he bought it, but hemailed that letter home from the post office next door to Fox'stobacco-infused newsstand. (42)

An 1875 birds-eye view of Carson City provides a perspective ofthe town much as Sam Clemens experienced it. A huge courthouse that did notexist in the 1860s occupies the plaza; otherwise, the configuration of thestreets and buildings around the plaza are virtually the same as when CharlesWeed took his remarkable photographs just months after Sam Clemens'sarrival. There for all to see, and standing shoulder to shoulder along theCarson Street sidewalk whose boards rattled under Sam's feet are thepost office where he returned again and again to mail letters to his family,Fox's newsstand that offered him books, stationery, cigars, newspapers,and back issues of Vanity Fair and current magazines, the stagecoach depotwhere he stepped off the stagecoach that first day and where he sometimesspent time when leaving or returning to town, and the Ormsby House where hechecked in on that first day in town and where he came back to drink at theirpopular bar. 2ff7e9595c

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